At the Spring 2019 show, Italian fashion designer Giambattista Valli turned the catwalk into a fairy-tale. His models had magical pastel-coloured hair with lots and lots of glitter. To get the look, apply Red Silver Glitter Spray throughout the whole length, but leave the roots untouched.
Alternatively, paint your hair with the Temporary Red Hair Colour or any other pastel colour, and then apply silver or gold glitter on top.
Root glitter is the exact opposite of Valli’s hair – you should apply the glitter on your roots only. This is a versatile way to wear glitter because you can use on any hairstyle, whether it's loose hair, space buns or side-parted hair.
Simply spray Silver or Gold Hair Glitter over the root section and you're ready to celebrate Christmas and NYE in style!
Elsa from Frozen may be a character from kids cartoon, but for one night only you can become her even if you're an adult! Get all-magical with some Dutch or French braids and a Silver Hair Glitter on top.
Hair glitter spray is very easy to apply: just shake the can well and spray in short bursts holding it 15cm away from your hair. Since it’s a spray, there’s a chance the glitter will also get onto your clothes so make sure to cover your shoulders.
To remove the glitter from your hair, simply wash it with your normal shampoo, and it’s gone! Remember to wash your hair before you go to bed so no glitter rubs into the bedding.
Need more ideas? Check our blog post with Temporary Hair Colour Ideas for the Festive Season.
Enjoy your new glitter hair and have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!